It’s Burt Reynolds’ birthday.
Hustle, Boogie Nights & Deliverance showed that he was a very fine serious actor but I enjoyed his constant self-deprecating wit too:
‘My movies were the kind they show in prisons and airplanes, because nobody can leave.’
Hustle, Boogie Nights & Deliverance showed that he was a very fine serious actor but I enjoyed his constant self-deprecating wit too:
‘My movies were the kind they show in prisons and airplanes, because nobody can leave.’
Also loved his late career turn voicing the character of Burt Reynolds in Archer!
Truly the peak cultural achievement of the American south. Well, maybe a close 2nd.
Post Smokey, it's all about Sharky's Machine, and to a lesser degree, Stick.
Interview by in Sight & Sound
I miss him.