An easy boycott for me as I don’t use or consume any of their products. Don’t forget Nestle bottled water, horrible tasting, metallic swill in a plastic bottle.
My 17lb pooch will have to get used to some improved canine cuisine, soon. BTW, there’s a big Nestle facility in Cleveland, on W.25th street. Could be a good place to make a stink. Hmmm!
If only folks would recognize the unmatched power we have at our fingertips.
United in common cause on these platforms, we could easily bring the 545 elected DC elites & their corp masters to their knees by withholding how we spend OUR $, in unity, for one day at a time...
Nestle not the very best!
All these boycotts are so easy for me. I already don’t ever use any of these companies. About the only thing I use from the big corporate monsters is my phone, car, and Dawn dish detergent. All the non corporate dish soaps suck.
I recommend some Perlier or Roger & Gallett bar soaps. is a pretty decent place to buy from
(I have no affiliation w/ them whatsoever).
As far as dish soap, you're right.
They aren’t just bad, they are evil. Have been for decades. Many millions of babies died as a result of their baby formula sent to mothers who didn’t have access to clean water. That isn’t ignorance, it’s malevolence. And that’s just one example.
Not hard really. I find their foods to be disgusting. Helps that i have diabetes and everything they process is so full of HFCS it may as well just say "Product of Corn" on everything.
United in common cause on these platforms, we could easily bring the 545 elected DC elites & their corp masters to their knees by withholding how we spend OUR $, in unity, for one day at a time...
Nestle not the very best! is a pretty decent place to buy from
(I have no affiliation w/ them whatsoever).
As far as dish soap, you're right.