Star Trek TNG, S3E7: Geordi gets lost on an away mission, so he does what a normal person would do: mine for raw minerals, smelt them, and cast the metal into climbing spikes using nothing more than a phaser
7/10 I like Geordi better when he's on a planet with no women
7/10 I like Geordi better when he's on a planet with no women
Geordi thinks about penetration too much.
That's why is name is Geordi LaForge. It's not a surname, it's a title he earned through noteworthy deeds
ewww eww eeewwww
I have a question: Why?
They found a crashed Romulan ship on the surface, but they didn't know it was there before they beamed down
I don't know if you've ever worked on ships at sea, but if you get a radio call from somebody saying that they're stranded or sinking or drowning or whatever, you go
The only thing that stops you is if it's too dangerous. Otherwise: you go
Worf's position is "fuck that guy; glad he's dying"
The Romulan says he'd rather die than "pollute my body with Klingon filth"
Not much of a conflict; both sides get what they want
Picard begs Worf to consent to the donation, but he never orders Worf to do it
Picard would rather start a war than override Worf's bodily autonomy. King shit. We stan a woke legend
One problem at a time, I guess
Riker: Must you blame all Romulans for that?
Worf: Yes
Riker: Forever? What if someday the Federation made peace with the Romulans?
Worf: Impossible
Sisko: (very far off screen) Challenge accepted
Worf: Impossible
Riker: That's what your people said several years ago about Humans. Think how many died on both sides in that war. Would you and I be here now like this if we hadn't been able to let go of the anger and the blame? Where does it end, Worf?
✓ In a few millennia, humans will inevitably go extinct
✓ The Romulan Empire has a manifest destiny to conquer the galaxy
✓ Eugenics