So what were the 2 things all of the young voting eligible Democratic voters did on November 5th, 2024, rather than voting? Smoking weed and making memes? They sure as hell didn't get their asses to the polls.
The election was won for Trump by over 55 MAGAs ACTUALLY VOTING.
"why didn't this group of people do what I want? I know, I'll call them lazy pot smokers" perfectly reflects the ethos of the current form of our failing party
'Do what I want'? The issue is they DIDN'T DO ANYTHING AT ALL! They talk the talk from their phones via memes, but actually showing up to vote, or even protest, doesn't happen. If they don't walk the walk and actually vote, or take real action of SOME kind, nothing changes.
Oh, and it is telling - marijuana legalization is the ONLY movement supported by the left that has actually gained any traction and gotten people out to vote. So, the promise of openly smoking weed is only thing that can motivate a bunch of complacent weed smokers.
I'm not sure that I would consider the original message to be squabbling. I think that as constituents it is our responsibility to hold the party accountable if it fails.
I agree. The fact that the center left simply will not listen to left wing populists is now and always has been what gives rise to fascism. Like this is the playbook and the fact that the center left now is silencing and squashing the populist left again is frustrating
here here! and from Bernie's mouth to us (regarding the 2016 giant mistake made by insider Dems) "You're disappointed? No one is more disappointed than I am. I was there! I'm still fighting and so should you!"
Well desperate times call for desperate measures. This attitude is one of the reasons we lost the election. Always complaining about the democrats faults and not talking about the good that we do. Most Americans still have no idea what the ARP was or the infrastructure bill and on and on.
I always wonder about this take. I think that we severely overestimate the impact that social media discourse has. I think it is an echo chamber and us saying "hey, the Democratic party isn't really led by competent people right now" is more trying to influence the center/center-right Democrats 1/
You are right of course. But as an European, we found out the hard way that “Blut und Eisen” is the easiest way to unification. I would say: keep your eyes on the price and fight your enemy. Reflections afterwards.
Dems have always squabbled. Because there is so much diversity - which is good, but at some point, things break down into tribalism. We need to identify under one goal so that we CAN take care of the varied interests. We blew what may be the last chance for stability for many years.
Exactly. This is why I was REALLY livid when they started talking about replacing Biden. Using media pressure against their own party. It turned out Biden did the galant thing, and I jumped on board with the decision. But trotting out that dysfunction was inexcusable.
To quote Margaret Killjoy, de-escalate all conflict not with the enemy. Focus on the fight happening right now. We can reflect when we have a moment to breathe without a boot on our necks, k?
I very much agree with Killjoy here and understand your point. But in my opinion, at least in the 30 some odd years I've been alive, the boot never came off the neck, even when we were told it was supposed to.
My point is more that anytime we roll with infighting, we lose. I REALLY don't want a re-hash of the Bernie/Hillary shit. I want to stop the fucking fascists from eating us alive.
The election was won for Trump by over 55 MAGAs ACTUALLY VOTING.