New paper out! 🌳 🌲 (and this one is very special to me)
➡️ Diversity boosts forest productivity also (and especially?) through its effect on the number of trees within forests
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➡️ Diversity boosts forest productivity also (and especially?) through its effect on the number of trees within forests
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Yet, the mechanisms proposed to explain this diversity-productivity link in forests have essentially focused on how the growth of individual trees is impacted by their direct neighbourhood (monospecific vs mixed) 3/7
1- When a forest contains more species, it contains more trees on average (shown by analysing the national forest inventories of 6 countries : Finland, Sweden, Germany, Wallonia, France, Spain). To do so we relied on assessing self-thinning lines. 5/7
(Note that there is also many side results in the maoin text + appendices)
We hope you'll like the paper! 7/7