Oh I'd also love to see your take on more scalie characters as well for a more selfish one, love your art and happy to see you keep drawing what you're most passionate for!
The selfish answer is I would love to see more stuff focused on bare feet. Absolutely adore how chunky and pudgy you draw them and would love to see more.
Other than that would love to see more of Robin, Grayson and Emmett. Also would love to see you do your take on Morgana again.
- more pixel art stuff!
- tactical UT/DR stuff!
- don't forget you're awesome
and possibly his dad...
But it's fun seeing what you make regardless ^^
You draw some pretty cute gals
Other than that would love to see more of Robin, Grayson and Emmett. Also would love to see you do your take on Morgana again.
…or also revisiting that Morgana you drew with a scruffy face. I think about him a lot