Trump’s threats to Canada and Denmark clarify some issues. Europe within the confines of the EU has been considering strengthening its defense. The U.S. has resisted that notion answering these calls but suggesting resources should be directed to NATO. European defense may soon become an imperative.
He's #HitlerButTheReallyStupidVersion
Trump is a dangerous psychopath. The dumber, the more dangerous.
The Parallels betwenn the US, Russia and China are striking,
NATO is a complete common US/European command structure. Going forward, Europe needs to develop the capability to fight alone as we can no longer expect the US to fight alongside us. Indeed, it seems we might even face US forces as adversaries.
We live in sad times 🤷
Remember 2 months ago when MAGA's were bitching about the wars that "Biden got us into" but are now silent as this lunatic proposes something this insanely stupid?