Autism, Alzheimers, "mental illness" can b treated safely w turbinate surgery sinceJan'01. Changes blood flow. I found error. MDs damage w meds. MDs/DC dont like my story so wont fix.Torture by MD/exBF at elite US hosp'99. No urgency? SSRIs can cause psychosis in vulnerable. Best insurers divest
Media publishers know that the average American is too stupid to have basic Media Literacy, and will consume biased reporting (propaganda) without thinking twice.
So, they’ll use language that makes lawmakers appear like devious villains, even when they’re actually doing something good for once.
That shouldn’t be difficult pull.
Why do you use such misleading and divisive headlines? THat's literally their job.
Oh, clickbait...
So, they’ll use language that makes lawmakers appear like devious villains, even when they’re actually doing something good for once.