Mexico, don’t worry. It’s happy hour time here in the US so Pete is likely hammered. We are a joke. Please disregard anything our pathetic Trump Administration says and just continue to be good people. We’ll work on removing these morons asap.
Oh. I see. You are just going to go and threaten a sovereign nation, even though everything that has been demanded has been done - and then some - under the previous administration. Fuck you, Petey. Go have another bourbon. That’s what you’re good at, you little Nazi bitch.
Just for the avoidance of doubt none of your former allies are going to come in and support you on this. Or indeed anything else from here on in. The JudUSA
So are he and Trump going to invade Mexico and force it to be a part of the U.S.. Nothing but a bunch of ignoramuses and imbeciles running the White House and its cabinet posts.
I hope all the Trump supporters who cried that Biden would start WWIII are ready to put their lives on the line so Trump and Hegseth can treat them like toy soldiers to stroke their own egos.
Fox news made our border a crisis.
The ugly truth is that the US desperately needs those workers to do hard, low paying jobs like picking crops and processing meat.
Our gov can not govern based on Fox's stir up the base BS.
Our gov must govern based on facts.
See, this is why you can’t get rid of all the subeditors. They would know that military action in a foreign state without their permission has a specific word: WAR. He’s threatening to start a WAR with Mexico.
#POTUS is pushing Mexico into a defense alliance with China. Don’t be surprised when Trump pushes Mexico into the existing Treaty on Friendship, Cooperation and Mutual Assistance between China and the DPRK (North Korea).
That ought to lower those egg prices.
If WWIII kicks off, it will be because of MAGA voting in a Russian plant into the oval office. Destabilizing NATO and the western world.
The ugly truth is that the US desperately needs those workers to do hard, low paying jobs like picking crops and processing meat.
Our gov can not govern based on Fox's stir up the base BS.
Our gov must govern based on facts.
El gilipollas naranja solo se merece una bala en la cabeza.
#america #news #us #trump