"its only fair when clearly, i assume, they provided all the costumes and all the pillow cases and all the pumpkin buckets to all those poor poors who, lets face it, dont have equally sound judgement with respect to what ack-shually should trickle where..."
Happy Halloween, my night was a fright,I gripped my pillow tight I had to walk the floor. Kept seeing Ghosts at my door, I got up after 5 minutes of sleep, bought tons of candy, that wasn't cheap, now I'll wait for the ring of my door bell, & greet all these kiddos in costumes spooky as hell ☕️😎✌️
I'm going as Gym Jordan's failed speakership campaign. I'm wearing a button down shirt with no jacket, and saying "Give me all your candy or you'll never hold office again."
Just BRILLIANT, as always!!!