it's true — trans people built this site. leave them the fuck alone, assholes. just let them be
Reposted from
demon core vidal
the backbone of this fucking place was literally called the “trans and queer shitposters cluster” and now the worst people online are fucking ruining this place.
can our One True King, jeff tiedrich, appeal to these lesser people and explain to them how this place works? he rode with us, he gets it
can our One True King, jeff tiedrich, appeal to these lesser people and explain to them how this place works? he rode with us, he gets it
Chill dee f%$!ck out & listen to some Barry Manilow.
*I mean who DOESNT love
Please tell me if I’m wrong because I’m learning every day and want to say and do the correct things
Stop judging people. Seriously. Just stop.
The trans community is facing some serious hate in the incoming administration, and they will need support from all quarters to weather the pending storm.
I hadn’t seen this - thanks for sharing. Has she posted stuff like this for years? Never saw it.
Many are still learning about the trans community’s concerns.
Comparing this one Jo post to J.K. Rowling’s anti-trans crusade, this seems more like poor judgment than hate. I reported it.
Don't sink to their level with all the name calling, insults etc. That's what they want.
As a man, I think I'm allowed to say that, among my own group, among us men, there are some thoroughly unsavory individuals. Porn sick, obsessively sexual, exhibitionists and voyeuristic, pedos and autogynephile.
What happened to the idea of appreciating the best ideas?
What happened to rewarding hard work and excellence?
Did anyone ask Pythagoras about his personal life?
It matters that we stand up for them.
you sure are. you sure the fuck are.
read the room.
If there's a list, I'll be happy to report them, too.
Fuck transphobes.
Good. Happy to see this!