The father needs to be prosecuted just like the parents in Michigan. He bought he a handgun at 14 and literally has a photo of her wearing the same t-shirt as Columbine shooter, at a shooting range, as his cover photo on FB.
Would be lovely if the court could find her pops responsible as an accessory to the crime(s) but given the almost nonexistent gun laws in WI I’m not gonna hold my breath.
I suspect something egregious or inappropriate happened to this girl either at that school or at church (or at home) by an adult. JUST SPECULATING. That kind of rage and destructive behavior—-just so rare in young females.
You're talking about a part of the amendment that is autoerased when MAGAs read it, kind of like the part of Leviticus that says to treat the stranger in your land as one of your own. They think the Second Amendment is the only thing in the Constitution, but only the second half of it.
I was watching a history channel show explaining the roots of our modern military. I learned that "a well regulated militia" comes from Colonial times. During the revolutionary war & early days of our nation, our national army was small, States had to fend for themselves. 1/2
2/2 States funded & regulated (trained, armed, & legislated) local militias. This is where that crucial passage in 2A is interpreted in modern times as State's National Guard. Therefore, the founders never wrote a carve-out for private ownership of firearms, and those who say they did are lying.
Going even farther back, male colonists were required to have a firearm in good working order at all times. One of my ancestors from the 1660s was fined for not keeping his in good working order.
Looking at posts here, the gun problem, was a testing and training on how to deal with potentially damaging situations, how to deflect and ignore the problem. It taught the right how to use “freedom" and "rights to gaslight and rally around. This helped the GOP CON their way into a dictatorship.
I usually agree with you, but you completely missed the important message from the assassination attempt, which is that we can prevent gun deaths by behaving erratically and being twitchy.
The only militias that are allowed to exist in the US are the National Guard, and the president can wrest control of a state's national guard from its governor. So there's no organized force to protect us from our federal government if things go South.
Well, since the "irresponsible" citizens don't wear identifying T-shirts, yeah, "citizens" owning guns is the problem. And remember, a bad guy with a gun was a good guy with a gun 15 minutes earlier-before he caught his wife cheating on him with his best friend.
I have been told that we need more Jesus in schools and that that would stop school shootings. 🙄 This was a Christian school. Didn’t seem to help. I think the appropriate response is thoughts and prayers. Am I doing this right?
The majority of the people who throw the Second Amendment out there just know "The right to bear arms" as the amendment. Almost none could recite it verbatim and completely.
Most have only read it on Traitor Tot flags or NRA buckles
It is a t-shirt from their Hell Yeah 2017 tour.
From what little I understand, she wore another band t-shirt that has infamous associations w/the tragic CO school shootings.
The Band has always opposed violence, fascism, bigotry, etc.
Most have only read it on Traitor Tot flags or NRA buckles
This person was NOT part of said "regulated" Militia.
They aren't a militia, they're terrorists who use fear to motivate you.
so no one will act until it gets much worse