Interesting list of people who should be shunned. I have my own feelings about "who let is down". Your good self and Katyal would not have been at the top of the list.
It gets a bit harder to not reply to fools as they are definitely migrating here. But proud to say I'm still at 100%. Got 3 or 4 from the early replies to your post.
Don’t take this the wrong way, Jeff, but I don’t need any more friends. Keep pissing off these bastards. I’m doing my best but you are much better at it!
I love them all, they speak the truth!! Only maga dumb fucks who can't handle the truth would post something this dumb!! Go crawl back under the rock from which you came 🙄
I'm hearing a lot of this crap these days. I just read an article on RawStory to the same effect calling MSNBC an enemy. Of course it could always be Russian money talking, but it's probably just the creeps who would rather attack their own side than have to take on the real enemy. Fuck that guy.
"Blue maga" is one of those wonderful little cutesy buzz terms like "Marxist" they like to throw out there when they need to signal to me they're rockin' for a blockin'. I think they're great, it sure cuts down on the small talk
at least I think that’s what I smell
It might be my cat
Is he still in a state of suspended animation??
Duping a country full of apprentice audience members
What does that make him?
So there. Nyah.
They are my friends! But you are not
Quick block