Not sure what you can do about those who believe this was anything other than playground bullies and abusers trying and failing to play the hackneyed old game that they've done their entire worthless lives.
How much strychnine does the US have stockpiled. Asking for around 8 billion friends.
Nazi Putin admitted 2 years ago HE invaded Ukraine!! In 2014 Rubio agreed Putin invaded then too. What is all this circus about?!
Trump aligns with Nazi Putin to control as much of the world as possible!
JD had no business being at the meeting of "Presidents" in the 1st place. It was an ambush. JD knows Donnie is incapable of negotiating with anyone intelligent. So JD bullies, belittles and refuses to acknowledge the realities of war. Neither he nor Trump could answer a simple question on diplomacy.
Yup! And bone-spur, draft dodging donnie NEEDED his nazi-posse next to him, because he’s a coward! ‘Afraid to talk one on one with a hero, 💙
President Zelensky !
As the scapegoated survivor of familial abuse I can confirm this scenario. Trump is an abusive sociopath with half a million flying monkeys. Europe needs to throw the water on him.
Wasted Elon, Fraudulent Vance, and Abusive Donny need to go. Then all the flying monkeys will scatter.
Yes, & his clothing was provocative, he was asking for it. Women are familiar with this kind of victim blaming. Thanks for recognizing the similarities in Rethug’s modus operandi.
The Zelenskyy meeting seemed more like an episode of the Bachelor instead of a diplomatic visit. It was shockingly bad. Why do I feel like most Americans disagree with how Zelenskyy was treated? How did we even end up here?
Just imagine if Mexico invaded Texas and refused to leave until it was allowed to keep the parts they invaded. Trump is an idiot for saying that Russia should be allowed to keep the parts of Ukraine they STOLE.
You just know that every Republican who said those things also beats their wife because those are the same words an abuser uses to defend himself for doing something horrific
They all said those things so easily because they’ve said them before “She deserved it. It was her own fault.”
Thanks, Jeff. I appreciate your posts...keeping me sane! After reading them, I want to contact these yahoos immediately. Please include direct dials/ emails links for all. This way they get my true feelings and not the feelings after I"breathe". Thank you.
I’m still dumbfounded they were/are insisting on Thank Yous and fawning appreciation BEFORE the deal was finalized. Z was clearly still asking for security measures and Donnie blew up realizing he over promised Vlad he’d get him a ceasefire, so panic attacked (my best guess to explain the sh*tshow)
It's never "maybe *I* shouldn't do or say this", is it Jimmy-Bob? Is it? Tammy-Sue? lol
ARTICLE 25 - Psychopath Megalomaniac
IMPEACMENT - Traitor to the USA Constitution in the WH
How much strychnine does the US have stockpiled. Asking for around 8 billion friends.
Most of them likely abuse their wives as well. It's what they know.
Boy George Carlin would have had material for a decade from this sad excuse of a potus
Trump aligns with Nazi Putin to control as much of the world as possible!
and maximum macho. What a group of sad, strange suck-ups. Get a real job
President Zelensky !
This is it.
Same exact strategy.
F ‘em all .
Wasted Elon, Fraudulent Vance, and Abusive Donny need to go. Then all the flying monkeys will scatter.
Clothing.....ooks like a nazi storm trooper....oh, that's
okay, cause trmp loves putin.
🤬Let em Dumbfucks know how WE FEEL🤬
🇺🇦Trying to spread this as much as possible
🇬🇧🔥At the U.S. Embassy LONDON‼️
🇬🇧🔥5.30 pm, WEDNESDAY 5 MARCH‼️
They all said those things so easily because they’ve said them before “She deserved it. It was her own fault.”
Seriously America, when this shitshow is over, invest heavily in EDUCATION.
I think NOT!