Thank you #selma
We are forever grateful for this experience.
We are forever grateful for this experience.
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You are so right!!
America rejected reality in November and ignored warnings that the rampage would be on again with trump and the phalanx of a Vichy Republican Congress having his back….and it is!!
God help us.
Round table tonight so great as always! Love that format and all the different perspectives. Learn so much. Makes me think.
Hun har mistet sit job på grund af Trump og Musk og er stadig amerikansk sød smilende usikker og måske fej. Som en kvinde der undskylder hustruvold . Hun kan ikke engang sige NEJ klart og tydeligt. Hvilken gammeldags opdragelse får Amerikanske republikanske piger/ kvinder
There will be a little extra in your paycheck next week.
A couple of quick questions, if you don't mind.
Who was the gentleman in the 2nd photo?
I see your boys wearing their Love Pin, but I don't see you wearing one. Is it hiding?
Love what you’ve done with the show, interesting guests and perfect after hours format!
Doubt it will come to light now💔💔😭😭😭
an Israeli fan to boot :)