If you drive in winter, the most pro-social thing you can do is just have patience. Slow down. Wait for pedestrians. Wait for cyclists. Park farther away and walk if you need to in order to keep bike lanes and bus stops and crosswalks clear. You’re in a mobile living room, you’ll be fine.
It doesn’t hurt me to have some consideration
We walk to work every morning (thankfully it’s less than a block), and the amount of times we’re shivering at a crosswalk waiting for cars and no one stops.
Women are usually the only ones who stop.
It’s usually me and my 22yo son walking in a school zone where giant redneck trucks are zipping by 10 miles over the speed limit.
Upper middle class women are absolutely the worst. I don’t see many of those in my town of 800 - they all left 🤣
Especially today, roads will be ice rinks when the temp drops.
Always understand that your stopping distance on Ice is *extremely* variable (like 5-200x) and drive accordingly.