The number of alcoholism in Russia is record high, with at least 28 million people addicted to alcohol.
Every fifth death in Russia is related to alcohol, the main reason is “despair”
Researchers define deaths "of despair" as deaths due to social and economic disadvantage.
only alcohol consumption per capita data can be compared and answer is no, 10.54/9.72 corresponding
I do however feel sympathy for the average person who feels helpless to change a corrupted system, thus turning to alcohol as a coping mechanism while their system throws lives away like it's nothing.
Demographers associate the decline in life expectancy with the growth in alcohol sales and the increase in the number of people aging from alcoholism, among other things
There is no reason to expect improvements while the state, instead of caring for citizens and making efforts to normalize the situation, spends record trillions.
It is worth noting that there are 26 million Muslims in Russia who officially ;) do not drink alcohol.