Feeling down, upset, concerned, or scared right now? I feel your pain and share your concerns. You have every right to feel this way, but let's stay strong and united. We might've lost a battle, but we're still in the fight to win the war. Stay tuned for updates. I’m working on initiatives to hold
Chin up, ppl, we got this! 🇺🇸
Sure as hell not happy
it's an infinite game.
every time you think you won, the next defeat is just around the corner.
there is no final resolution.
Berlin was rubble in 1945. yet Nazis are still with us.
there is no victory. only struggle.
I'm personally wondering when/if Homan leases box cars to move immigrants to the internment camps.
I look forward to reading your posts.
@Maddow #Maddow
This article might help you decode MAGA and yourself.
Use whatever skills you have. Build community on and offline. They’ve been doing it for years.
DNC chair replacement is big. The must be forward thinking.