The homesteading fantasy among right-wingers is hilarious because living off the land in subsistence farming was one of the worst things humanity ever had to go through, and historically people have been willing to do pretty much anything to get out of it.
Now many of them hoped for a better outcome than their current lot and some simply cannot go back...
But some could go back and choose not to
Oh and anthropologists as well as archeologists are increasingly finding evidence that some people saw the "neolithic package" and said "nah I'm good" and went back to hunter gatherer lifestyles...
Imagined glory of a past that never existed ✅
Imagine going back and telling them they could just type on a screen and buy food at the store, and not have 14 children because they kept dying.
Humans in 15,001 BCE; This fucking sucks lets spend the next 17,000 years trying to invent machines so we never have to do this again.