While 5 kits does feel a little much, I am looking forward to the kits from lilsimsie and madlen. Madlen especially because I used to always download their shoes back when they would publish on TSR.
Not to sow even more negativity into the community but the team has done us dirty (including less than 7min video today that had to be a premiere for ???? Reasons) so many times that I literally have zero expectations. I'll be happy when they do smthn good but in the mean time I don't care
Honestly. I really want them to push for a refresh across the entire game.
With the news that we won't get the sims 5, and with the home refreshes for the base game home lots, I'm realizing how important it if for us to get updates on 10 year old content
Something that i truly want is for them to add more cross pack compatibility at this point. If I have university and start a new save, there is no reason why base game sims can't sign up for uni or spawn in with degrees that make sense
it's just so ridiculous but i can totally see it happening, and being just...so...embarrasing...but fun and cute and everybody actually loves it
With the news that we won't get the sims 5, and with the home refreshes for the base game home lots, I'm realizing how important it if for us to get updates on 10 year old content