The same unions that took a neutral position on presidential candidates for the first timein history? Hmmmm. Not feeling it. #WorkersRightsWithoutUnions
That is false. Unions overwhelmingly endorsed Harris-Walz and for good reason - Democrats fight for workers' rights. Trump is now shredding those rights. Most unions and union leaders are well aware and are in the fight against this regime.
"the unions" are not a thing. One union - which actually is not the largest - made a catastrophic and immoral error. But most other unions were in lockstep with Harris from the beginning. Not sure what division you are attempting, but Democrats and Labor go together. We are the workers' party.
I never understood in the US why union workers vote Republican with their history of union busting. In Europe it is a well known fact that no member would ever support a right wing anti union political party. How do I know, because I lived and worked there!
Every Democrat politician told voters Trump would do this, in fact Trump himself said he would do a lot of this, yet people voted for him anyway thinking he was going to make them rich. People like Trump don't want you to get rich, they want to make the distance between us greater
Trump: twice impeached, convicted felon, and found liable for sexual assault. His power comes from spineless, self-serving Republican enablers. Next election, choose leaders who work for the people. #VoteWisely
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