My gaydar still pings off this guy. I hope the report contains the most lurid shit I've ever read in my entire fucking life. And I hope it involves other domestic terrorist republican nazis.
Definitely looking forward to this. As a Floridian though, I fear it still won’t DQ him from being our next Governor. Because Flori’duh. One day I will move to a blue or purple state.
Yes, I agree, but I expected #TheAvrilHaynesReport Director of DNI to be released also. Hadn’t read or heard when Jack Smith would release his report, but thought it would be before now. I still hold out hope for President Biden to inact #ExecutiveOrder13848 and #Article5.
Should I run to the store for some popcorn?
We're due the election Security report which was due on December 21st and no one is mentioning.
Jack's report has nothing to do with 2024 election security.
Trump signed it into law.
Reconciled both these bills.