Remember when Obama took away our guns, and then the UN black helicopters came and they put us in the FEMA prison camps in the secret Walmart basements?
That was awful!
And then trump came and freed us and gave us our guns back!
The Brady bill was actually during the Clinton administration 🤣 Not sure where you came up with that other non relevant stuff. Trump hasn't changed any state gun laws.
In my state, the largest caliber of assault rifle is a 22 caliber 10 shot 🤣. It equates to the Palestinians throwing rocks at an israeli soldier 🤣 and look how that has turned out.
The only state that has restrictions as far as only a 22cal is Michigan, and that only applies to hunting in certain areas of the state. You're full of shit.
“Unlike most other states with assault weapon bans, however, Washington does not ban or regulate the possession of assault weapons, only their sale, manufacture, import, and distribution.”
You can buy one across the border in Idaho if it’s that important to you.
Then explain to me that when I go to a gun shop, i can not purchase high-powered assault rifles, only 22 caliber with a 10 round clip. You are just uneducated. Please inform me on what I can purchase from my local gun shop 🤣
I actually know how you feel. I use to live in WA state which banned the sale of ARs. I have a couple now. It is funny that the people who said they needed weapons to fight a tyrannical government are the ones happy to have a tyrannical government.
I have a greater good to stand up for at this moment. I will fight protect posterity for mine, and yours, and ours. I will fight for Liberty and Justice for all. Even to the death.
Not the smart ones. I just buy a few extra of certain things at the grocery store. Being super careful about spending money, fix rather than buy new, thrift and target practice
Same here. I learned my lesson on instagram after retrumplicans started attacking my family: finding their profiles, stalking my posts and attacking'll never see a photo of me on BlueSky, now my only social media. You'll never see where I live. You'll never even know my first name.
How? I need advice!
I thought I was protected to a point but not it seems as though nothing will work in the traditional way because the biggest security issues have been compromised by internal crooks.
This is the "natural" next stage of the fascists winning... the first stage is to blitz the government, cause chaos, and traumatize the population into retreating into smaller and smaller groups, ultimately only relying on yourself out of fear and distrust of society and government. Bleak times.
To be frank, the electorate is probably blameless at this point judging by the behavior of the Democrats. They have been absolutely complicit in the handover of the government to the fascists. They got theirs. Their duplicity should be transparent to everyone by now. It was only a matter of time
When this regime falls, the Democrats must fall with them. They have done nothing to help. The have done nothing to resist. They have surrendered our will vicariously.
I know people who didn’t vote because our state always goes blue. It is also a piss poor reason not to vote. If everybody had that attitude, maybe the state wouldn’t go blue.
The electorate elected Trump. Not by a huge margin, but enough voters were vibing with what he was selling. After him being POTUS for 4 years, there was no legitimate excuse for voting him back into office. We were all told the ballot box was the LAST firewall against fascism. We failed to stop him.
That was awful!
And then trump came and freed us and gave us our guns back!
That was great!
Yeah - good times...
“Unlike most other states with assault weapon bans, however, Washington does not ban or regulate the possession of assault weapons, only their sale, manufacture, import, and distribution.”
You can buy one across the border in Idaho if it’s that important to you.
Also calling someone uneducated is ironic
What is your point? illegal is illegal, and its still the democrats that took them away from other democrats in our state. 🤣
I have a greater good to stand up for at this moment. I will fight protect posterity for mine, and yours, and ours. I will fight for Liberty and Justice for all. Even to the death.
Hartford, CT 06106
Many Americans faltered when presented with toilet paper shortages and wearing a cheap mask to slow a pandemic.
That’s going to suck.
I thought I was protected to a point but not it seems as though nothing will work in the traditional way because the biggest security issues have been compromised by internal crooks.