A vetting tip:
Since everybody is getting a ton of followers at the moment and are new to this ill try to help.
I am sure you see accounts with no Pic, no profile and no posts.
You will see 2 or 3 accounts just like each other in a row.
That is a "batch" of Russian algorithm bots.
Since everybody is getting a ton of followers at the moment and are new to this ill try to help.
I am sure you see accounts with no Pic, no profile and no posts.
You will see 2 or 3 accounts just like each other in a row.
That is a "batch" of Russian algorithm bots.
It's certainly a step up from the phishing emails anyway. Haha.
Block block block.
They thrive on making other people miserable and getting starved of it from the other place.
If their photo is an @, I take a look.
Yes, I know my photo is baby birds. I like birds.
Also be aware of Sexbots. Beautiful women friending you who haven’t posted a single thing of any relevance. I’m guessing they’re Russian too.
some are nude others look like they are qute, posting cat images and beautiful sunsets etc. dont be fooled by it. check if accounts post or REPOST from others. no posts=Block
very nice, but still from Russian accounts.
Block them.
Is there a way to send them to my existing block lists accounts I follow? I'm sorry, I trying to watch and learn but I'm not figuring this one out..lol
also be aware of accounts named something like this. i got attacked by this network yestarday and some today.
do read . they are known to kill people in real life.
Damn. I've been tip toeing in here because of bad experiences in threads. I guess this is a lesson in never letting your guard down no matter how safe it might feel. Whew. Thank you again.
just be alert and block accounts you find strange.scroll a bit to see if they post anything or just from others. if they got no image on profile, if who they follow & get followers from etc
I can give you a boost. You seem legit.
They are bad today. Right now, don't give the benefit of the doubt. Block them. If they are blue voters they know better not to put anything in their profile.