This surprises, irritates, and amuses me. I’m surprised how astute VP Wallace. I’m assuming Wallace might’ve been privy to conversations that didn’t sit well with him. I was thinking ‘they’ prob started on their plans to take over US right after WWII.
But Elon is going to save the human race by giving us a lifeboat on Mars. He is using his wealth to save us all. That is why he deserves to be the God-Emperor of Mars. That is why President Trump will echo JFK, and make putting Americans on Mars a national priority.
There’s plenty of records of the moneychangers and the important role they played in facilitating sacred practice. No records of Jesus going all terrorist on the Temple.
It’s an obvious moral wrong to have so much when everybody else has so little. What moral authority grants a person the right to own everything when others are starving and dying from want?
Damn. I can't even spell Oscar's moniker right.
Who do we see about getting our guillotines issued?
Asking for a friend
Tax billionaires out of existence
Mars is the closest it’s been to earth in years
Hurry up go
The is much reason for optimism.
Consider looking for it.
We'll all be better off.
God bless.
What a tool
Next they should keep their mouths shut and thank their lucky stars the US doesn't go French rev on them...
Oh my God they ARE referring to Eclam Muck!!!!