Seriously I'm a Democrat and we really need to start playing a little more dirty it's like in Star Trek when the star Fleet bends over backwards for alien race
Would have been nice if the regressives had actually g8ven them any power. But now regressives can do what they do best - kneecap the only viable counter to right wing authoritarianism in this country and then berate them for being ineffective.
@evan They wouldn’t stop emailing me asking for money for the recounts. Meanwhile, my Trump-bootlicking MAGAt rep won’t stop emailing me about how great everything is now. 😒
Immigration policy has often been one of the most entrenched issues in Congress, but a crucial faction of 46 politically vulnerable Democrats joined Republicans to lift the strict proposal to passage on a 263-156 vote tally.
You had a lot to text me about, several times a day, when you needed my money for the campaign.
My phone is still accepting texts if you have anything you want to say.
@evan They wouldn’t stop emailing me asking for money for the recounts. Meanwhile, my Trump-bootlicking MAGAt rep won’t stop emailing me about how great everything is now. 😒
u can pay to detain anyone picked up LOL