"It's basic biology we all learned in elementary school!"
When I was 10, I very confidently knew the following scientific facts:
1) Pluto was a planet
2) moss was a plant
3) dinosaurs were cold-blooded, featherless reptiles
"basic science" is a good starting point, not an ending one.
When I was 10, I very confidently knew the following scientific facts:
1) Pluto was a planet
2) moss was a plant
3) dinosaurs were cold-blooded, featherless reptiles
"basic science" is a good starting point, not an ending one.
Maybe we all should…
Unless it's waves...
But sometimes it's both...
Also, atoms are the smallest units....
Except for protons, neutrons, and electrons....
Except for quarks....
"Is anything even real?!"
Actually there is a good chance we live in a hologram.
Ask planetologists.
According to them, Dwarf Planets are NOT a kind of planet.
According to the IAU, Pluto is NOT a planet.
Fortunately, planetologists have their own definition of “planet”, and Pluto qualifies.
“Common knowledge” is often false. Not because but despite science education.
Maybe your teacher sucked.
Even if so: biologically, strawberries aren't berries, and cucumbers are.
We don't restrict ourselves to pure biology in how we relate to things.