*Swamp starts to replicate his work, careful to do it just right so it doesn't look like two different styles of work.*
They had their ups and downs, that's for sure. Doesn't matter much anymore now, though.
They had their ups and downs, that's for sure. Doesn't matter much anymore now, though.
What was your favorite part? I'm never gonna be a part of the tour but I like hearing the goings ons.
Probably the traveling, seeing different cities, a whole different continent. We only got out for short periods, but it was fun to see all the changes from place to place.
*Bog probably wouldn't do well in that position. He'd be too homesick for the Ministry after week two of touring.*
*They get back to work, now a little quicker and sure of their actions.*
I dont mind. Sometimes I do it around here to not be seen, heh.
...Have I walked by you in the halls and not even notice???
Well, I say small, but I lose my scales, horns, and tail and get a human skintone.