Ha, I knock stuff over all the time, so trust me, it wouldn't just be you.
It's part of why I get in trouble so much around the kitchens.
Well that and burning things beyond repair.
It's part of why I get in trouble so much around the kitchens.
Well that and burning things beyond repair.
Occasionally I can do a pack of ramen on the stove top, but that's it.
*Bog scoots away bit down the row of shrubbery to start covering the underneath of the next plant.*
*Swamp scoots away as well, rather pitifully, to work on a spot they deemed fit to replace mulch. At least they hoped it was fit.*
Were you playing on your phone? I do that a lot when I'm boiling water and I don't notice until everything bubbles over.
*It laughs as soon as it finishes its sentence.*