I just figured out what's wrong with it. Automation of learning feels like cheating.
If a human gets good at a skill through practice, it takes a lot of time and effort: impressive.
If a machine does it, it doesn't feel the time, effort, or dedication: not impressed.
If a human gets good at a skill through practice, it takes a lot of time and effort: impressive.
If a machine does it, it doesn't feel the time, effort, or dedication: not impressed.
Definitely copyright adjacent though, so perhaps we need new regulations specifically for the control and use of data for training.
(3/2) oops
The Will Smith movie version of Isaac Asimov's "I, Robot" touches on the real issue, I think, which is that lives, and especially HUMAN lives, are inherently valuable.
Full stop. No further explanation. They just ARE.
It should be this way in ALL human activity.
It is automated, weaponized, large-scale theft. Of course it's evil.