It’s a hard expression to nail too, lots of communication with the eyes - it’s a great progression, feels like it draws you in with the spicy action then keeps focus there with a powerful look
thank yoooou - I commented somewhere along the way that I can now add gold, alongside paint, to the list of inanimate materials that probably shouldn't turn me on
admittedly it doesnt normally do anything for me but the way you illustrate it, ESPECIALLY those chains and the body jewelry you tend to give boys? whoof. there's just somethin about it!! 🦊💦
I these nude jewellery outfits, they are so pretty. I'd take his place in a heartbeat if I could also wear that <3
Still losing my mind over that expression and outfit details! Stunning piece tbh, love how vibrant it turned out 💯
it's treasuuuure
they’re so HANDSOME
I'm not normally a tail guy, but when I realized that's where it would naturally wanna drape, I knew it had to be done
Just a little idle play
I can have little a rendering
as a treat