Like a broken record this furry dragon sits up and clears his throat. "I am not one for politics, but have any of ya guys been to a rock concert? We make all sorts of hand gestures. Especially in the mosh pit." This dragon puts a paw to his muzzle trying not to laugh at these comments.
(I don't know if ya all know this, but its satire) the comic is hilarious. Its the only type of political thing I do like on social media. Drink your wine and be merry fellas.
But Donald will say no it stays in the air because I will not obey the Constitution. I will only obey ME and only ME. Thanks all the suckers of America! I dare you to try and impeach me now! I control the Republican Party now finally.π€«
Comments #Trump #NYSE #Politics
If so, where do you think they will build the concentration camps???
(probably all)politicians will burst into flames if that was the case .
Will he take the Overthrow Of Office on his own Trump Bible?
Is it possible that US citizens have forgotten?!