🚨 New working paper with @calvin-thrall.bsky.social + Simran Singh 🚨
Private sector demand for climate expertise is skyrocketing. Firms now compete with the government to hire top climate experts. How does this competition affect the state's capacity for climate governance? https://doi.org/10.31219/osf.io/6ue7n
Private sector demand for climate expertise is skyrocketing. Firms now compete with the government to hire top climate experts. How does this competition affect the state's capacity for climate governance? https://doi.org/10.31219/osf.io/6ue7n
1. Private sector demand for skilled climate experts is way up over the last few years.
2. The private sector wage premium for climate experts has rapidly grown.
1. With admin data on the U.S. federal bureaucracy, we show that private sector demand is associated with relative declines in the average education/experience of climate bureaucrats. This seems to owe to difficulty recruiting more so than failed retention.
(also: Simran, Columbia PhD student, is an IPE rising star to keep an eye out for)
Paper here: https://doi.org/10.31219/osf.io/6ue7n