Any other game developers find it difficult to justify playing games to themselves?
I have a day job and family life so when I do get a moment to myself I feel that I have to spend it on gamedev if I'm going to stand a chance of getting anything made in a human lifetime.
I have a day job and family life so when I do get a moment to myself I feel that I have to spend it on gamedev if I'm going to stand a chance of getting anything made in a human lifetime.
Games literacy is important. I've played games my whole life, and maybe I justify my hiatus that way.
BUT experiencing new games is hugely important for any game dev. How do you balance it?
Gaming might also need it's own dedicated block.
POE2 released but I'm so busy I've barely touched it even though I'm hyped to. Just got to make some money first to take time off.
I often think I'm missing out on quality of life improvements made by more recent releases that I could include.