Same reason why mass land denial isn't on the game changers list. They're already covered by the bullet points of what shouldn't be in the deck. Plus, in brackets 2 and 3 the problem isn't using extra turns at all, it's using many of them in succession.
Why is Oppo on this when it's not gonna do anything in the "few tutors" tier anyway, and why not Craterhoof when you wanna avoid wins out of nowhere in brackets 1 and 2?
Well the format's always favored battlecruiser strats I guess and the list could never be comprehensive and is more like a guideline but then, why have it at all when the other criteria could fully suffice and spelling it out just gives people more room to angleshoot like "Great Henge is bracket 1"
(Or mana drain, Narset, Magda, Atraxa, Swat, TPro, etc) atp it just feels futile to try to even semi-definitively list all generically strong commander cards without making it 200 slots and impossible to remember. Bracketing should work completely fine or better without the GC list
The initial article talks a bit about *why* cards are on the list, but I think the system can really benefit going more into that and explaining the kinds of play experiences and patterns that go into. They are useful as signposts, but also give people the tools evaluate other things.
Yes and the more concrete you center it around a list of certain cards the more it seemingly muddles that function since so many discussions are hung up on those. To emphasize signposting you'd probably wanna further shrink the list and say like "we put this card here as the most powerful example"
The list is likely to change but you also just answered your own question on craterhoof. Opposition Agent is a good signal for what you might need to be prepared for if you are making a deck that could be a 3.
Because Opposition Agent also messes with ramp spells (which are treated separately from other tutors). Honestly, Oppo should be banned, it makes the game experience awful.
Oppo is great cause it scales with the power level of the table, it really just punishes greedy high power decks and makes those formats more interactive while lower power tables can play around it quite easily. Narset should be on the list instead if anything, easier to abuse at lower power. you two just inspired me to start a magic the gathering themed wedding that has a row of play tables at the back if the guest would want to play magic during the reception.
That's up to each pod/play group to decided. As long as they are not starting a fight over Mulligan rules, the newly weds have more things on their plate to attend to. It's their important day after all.
(I know this is silly expensive but it legit could make pre game conversations way faster)
Still really appreciate the brackets and these clarifications, I think it'll help people that struggle with the "spirit" of commander
Guest A: I am a 1/1 squirrel. What would you be?
Guest B: I don't know. A 1/1 worm? Since you would always love me no matter what I am.