Today, a billionaire pays the same amount of money into Social Security as someone who makes $132,900 a year because the Social Security payroll tax is capped.
Of course he doesn’t know what he’s talking about but magots will believe his bullshit cause they are a cult of dump asses. The old movie “The Producers” is the definition of a Ponzi scheme watch it and learn something Rogaine
Has anyone explained why it is not a Ponzi scheme?
The point about Ponzi schemes is that there is no significant source of income. It is absolutely impossible to pay everyone what they are promised.
Social Security mostly pays from investments in what you pay in. No need for losers, ever.
I read that it is expected to run out in 2035 without major systemic changes.
This is why I argued against Musk’s claim that we need more population growth, not less. Can’t blame the gays for that one. I’m a believer in homosexuality being nature’s way of telling humanity to slow down.
Are they going to write a check and return the money people have already paid into this? No of course not, silly me, that money is going to the richest people on the planet...
Yep, my statement says I put in $220k and my employer matched it as a payment toward my retirement, so a total of $440k. Accounting for inflation, more like $1m. So they can send me the check.
Dutch pension funds hold part of the economy and pay back to workers a fraction of profits. They are supervised to exclude speculation, promote the local economy, and protect reserves. To the extent that Social Security escapes the State, employers and privatization it is also a counter-power
Vast numbers of Magas live solely on SS. Their adult children aren't doing well enough to take them in. So this would literally put them on the street, living in their cars in their 70s and 80s.
Magas own something like 15 million assault weapons in this country. Like a fuse waiting to be lit.
This is the situation the GOP and Musk should fear. Taking the last little bit from someone who has nothing. The U.S. experienced this in Vietnam and Afghanistan. How long before we see IEDs and lone wolf suicide bombers in America?
And it will be Maga-on-Maga. The way Maga Senators and Congress are supporting this is making them clear targets. And Maga SCOTUS, for that matter.
If they're that scared, Maga Senators with Dem Govs should resign, and let the Govs appoint Dem replacements. PA, KY, NC to name three.
That's what makes it good. This is no longer about owning the libs at any cost. This is the people they voted for immediately screwing them over.
It's all fun and games when it's only Black and trans people who are going to get hurt, right?
Today, a billionaire pays the same amount of money into Social Security as someone who makes $132,900 a year because the Social Security payroll tax is capped.
By the way, I thought we pay for social security all through our working days... confused.
The point about Ponzi schemes is that there is no significant source of income. It is absolutely impossible to pay everyone what they are promised.
Social Security mostly pays from investments in what you pay in. No need for losers, ever.
This is why I argued against Musk’s claim that we need more population growth, not less. Can’t blame the gays for that one. I’m a believer in homosexuality being nature’s way of telling humanity to slow down.
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Magas own something like 15 million assault weapons in this country. Like a fuse waiting to be lit.
If they're that scared, Maga Senators with Dem Govs should resign, and let the Govs appoint Dem replacements. PA, KY, NC to name three.
It's all fun and games when it's only Black and trans people who are going to get hurt, right?