All true but republicans have mastered the the art of distraction. All they have to do is chum the waters with a little abortion or gay marriage or trans issues or immigration and their base will bathe in it. They will vote them in bc they hate the same people!
Interesting fact. Since Woodrow Wilson there have been three presidents who have reduced the deficit and left office with a surplus.
Wilson, Johnson, and Clinton. All Democrats
It baffles me why most people think Republicans are better for the economy.
The problem is that most Americans are still struggling to keep up. The “economy” may show better numbers but the growth isn’t enjoyed by everyone; it remains in the top 1%. People feel this. If dems won’t deliver, people become desperate = MAGA votes
Wilson, Johnson, and Clinton. All Democrats
It baffles me why most people think Republicans are better for the economy.
Trump - Completely destroyed the economy snd the country