Man walks into your house. Kicks you out, eats your food, sleeps in your bed, slaps your wife & kids around, and shoots at you if you ask him to leave, claiming he's defending himself.
With bullets provided by the local homeowner association, who agrees that he owns the house now.
It’s so predictable that a young person doesn’t perfectly articulate their position on an overwhelmingly crushing issue and so everyone dogpiles them for being “unserious” to absolve themselves from the grotesque horror they are excusing.
Worship of pop culture is the only ideology liberals have left, so when a beloved famous person betrays them by being not-sufficiently reverent towards the Democrat party they take it especially hard.
It's like yanking the VR goggle off of someone's head while they're watching POV porn.
Man walks into your house. Kicks you out, eats your food, sleeps in your bed, slaps your wife & kids around, and shoots at you if you ask him to leave, claiming he's defending himself.
With bullets provided by the local homeowner association, who agrees that he owns the house now.
I know “show the proof bro”
Hamas not only bragged about it, they filmed it.