And that’s cool I guess…
But did you know you can beat the shit out of enemies with the fucking BIKE, proceed to launch enemies on the air WITH THE BIKE and then beat the shit out of them with a a combo and a fucking BOOM… and then jump straight into the bike again? Yeah…
#gamedev #UE
But did you know you can beat the shit out of enemies with the fucking BIKE, proceed to launch enemies on the air WITH THE BIKE and then beat the shit out of them with a a combo and a fucking BOOM… and then jump straight into the bike again? Yeah…
#gamedev #UE
Cargar habilidad-arma y a la vez cambiar el conjunto: esta bien para aquellos que quieran usar la opción
Golpear con la moto como arma improvisada: no está mal; incluye también caballitos con la rueda trasera y delantera y poco más respecto al manejo con la moto