Only thing a can say with controller in hands with the beta :
Any doubt
A blast inc’
Every weapon seems awesome
Focus meca is gamechanger
Wounds is really fun to exploit
Traps in maps are usefull as ever
And last : cheese
Aside of the nostalgic feelin which doesn’t relly on the game : a blast
Any doubt
A blast inc’
Every weapon seems awesome
Focus meca is gamechanger
Wounds is really fun to exploit
Traps in maps are usefull as ever
And last : cheese
Aside of the nostalgic feelin which doesn’t relly on the game : a blast
You know, I'm convinced now that Mouse and Keyboard will be the best way to play the game. Having Focus mode toggled on at all times seems too good compared to how it used to be in older games. It's the whole aiming in FPS games with controller vs M&K.
Never tried M&K for MH but no doubt it’s a nicer option if that’s your thing
Focus with controller tooks 4-5 hunts to get used to but is gorgeous