I completely appreciate the urge to doubt someone is Autistic if they’re only saying so in the context of being caught behaving in an unflattering or inappropriate manner
AND if we expect to be believed, we must believe others
AND we don’t want to own these people as representing us!
so now what?
AND if we expect to be believed, we must believe others
AND we don’t want to own these people as representing us!
so now what?
I’m concerned though because often “appropriate” is defined as (among other things) “not autistic” which *is* fair to fight against.
I’m not interested in hanging out with people who want to make me defend that point 🤷🏻
Those may co-exist but not mutually inclusive
I’m not hanging out on the internet with people who wanna poke fights about words
It’s a waste of time and I’m not obliged to wait for the fight.
Expressing it out loud is another matter.
It’s hard not to, right?
But it really is none of our business.
But I wouldn’t say that to their face. I also couldn’t care less.
To be tossed in the same ND behavioral bucket as most of these audaciously affluent assholes is problematic.
We may share certain 'eccentricities', but with all those advantages my tendency for raping, pillaging etc couldn't even begin to compare.
Is that the world does not produce ANY untraumatized adults
And hurt people hurt people
So, we finally understand now WHY it's a dog eat dog world, instead of just passively accepting it like we did for centuries
We show the world who we ARE instead of arguing about who does or doesn’t represent us.
We disavow bad behavior as in conflict with those values w/o sewing seeds of doubt.
You’re doing it wrong.
We don’t cheat or abuse. We don’t use our privileges to oppress. We lift each other up. We don’t buck rules for our personal gain & we break ‘em when they’re BS.
We continue the conversation that associates them with us when we entertain this debate.
You’re autistic? Okay I guess. You’re a prick. Let’s talk about THAT.
We don’t do that. That’s not our culture.
We’re unearthing that culture now.
I’m glad you’re all here. 🫶🏻
I will discuss AND I don’t have to.
I have seen too much at this point and cannot re-summarize it every time someone takes issue.
Get on board or scroll on by.
I dont want to count rich people who never got properly diagnosed cause they could go get one if they wanted. And he said he was autistic on SNL and I dont have to believe he was serious.
The fight is HEY motherfuckers this isn’t a reason not to hire us. THAT is oppression.
Proper dx is an unnecessary privilege if you don’t need system resources.
and that’s an immovable point for me
It doesn't mean we're all baddies.
That's the danger of looking for identities amongst such a large, diverse group.
Most of us are automatically baddies because of the homes were raised in