He works hard. Away on assignment a lot. If he needs that time to decompress and go find a branch to trim, he gets that time. We don't live a typical lifestyle. I do all the heavy stuff (or manly stuff as soome would call it) when he's away. He does it when he's home. The rest..1/2
We all have our agreements. My guy does all the dishes, vacuuming, small repairs. Kid does bathrooms and his own lunches/laundry. I cook and deep clean.There are very few hetero households I’m currently aware of where wife does everything whilst husband chuffs pipe and reads paper.
I know a few. Where I live, there are very traditional households. They think I am crazy. One person asked the other day, as she drove into my yard, "Who does your snow removal while he is away?" I looked at her questioningly and said, "I got on the tractor and did it myself." "Really?"she asked. 🤣
I find that a bit strange. If there's work to be done, you do it! He will often load the dishwasher or bring clothes off the line on his way by, but he hardly ever takes down time...maybe one day to rest after he's traveled and gotten home at 3 am..goes to trim that branch. It is different here.
Totally happened in my mom’s house, though.