I happen to have this piece of math memorized, but I wasted way too much time in part 1 to predict that part 2 would be a dynamic programming problem and over engineered.
It's also kind of weird that I'm able to write code that passes for all the test cases, but not for the input data. I will try to solve it tomorrow, with maths.
Why isn't there an Advent of IT?
Code can be part of it. Perhaps one could set up a compute cluster, build a daemon, install Arch, reconfigure Neovim, set up a new language, build a dotfile repo, build a webpage, write a readme, rewrite a script you use often in a compiled language, etc...
There's also: contribute to an open source project, write an issue, write a makefile, write a docker composer file, add a config to the application you rewrote, read a manpage, write a manpage, write a tldr, design a high level architectural solution, write a speech about why it should exist...
Hack into your own vm and
sudo rm -rf /
to see what happens, add a new user, add them to a new group, lock down the new user like they are a financial institution intern, install a read-only OS, install Redox_OS, install a non-Linux(Unix) VM, write a review about your favorite open source tool.
Code can be part of it. Perhaps one could set up a compute cluster, build a daemon, install Arch, reconfigure Neovim, set up a new language, build a dotfile repo, build a webpage, write a readme, rewrite a script you use often in a compiled language, etc...
sudo rm -rf /
to see what happens, add a new user, add them to a new group, lock down the new user like they are a financial institution intern, install a read-only OS, install Redox_OS, install a non-Linux(Unix) VM, write a review about your favorite open source tool.