TRUMP RUSSIAN 100% of course telling lies about the war like we don't know THE WORLD KNOW EXCEPT HIM ??? pinochio IT'S PUTIN ATTACK UKRAINE ! YES YES YES Trump against his own country 10000% traitor evil 😓WHY????
Hmm Comrade Trump has been awarded the Star of the kiss arse Putin 1st with bar and is it not true Kim I’ll-Jong going to award him the golden turd for truth and honesty
Southern ladies, please explain to me what is the attraction to an ignorant, fascist, racist, white supremacist in the 1st place? The stupid hat wearing? Bigotry? Country music? Beard? Mansplaining? Ball hugging jeans? Low IQ? Lack of education? Intolerance? Flag waiving? I just don't understand
Having paid attention at the beginning seems in this instance he’s a self made man. Enough counties out there that have pulled off a takeover in our lifetime as teachers, and why wouldn’t he want to be king of America?
Think he loves the citizens?
He is creating a new axis of power.
Trump is attempting to resume nuclear explosive testing.
The testing is not required with today's laboratory techniques but, it is a much better show.
Could Trump possibly be the most powerful human that ever existed?
History, assuming there is a future to record it, will not fucking believe this timeline. Kind of rooting for that asteroid these days. We never should have crawled out of the sea.
The other went on to be a self-centered gold digger.
He is not OUR friend. He is not a friend to the free world.
So, we had best split up the two of them…or everyone should split up with Trump.
We should treat him like the imperialistic dictator he wants to be. Send him in exile to be imprisoned on Saint Helena in Napoleon’s old cottage.
Silly me...
Think he loves the citizens?
Buddies though? For at least a decade or longer.
Trump is attempting to resume nuclear explosive testing.
The testing is not required with today's laboratory techniques but, it is a much better show.
Could Trump possibly be the most powerful human that ever existed?