That's not going to be the conversation you're going to be having with God Lindsey and God is going to cast you down along with the rest of them into the bottomless pit of hell for all eternity. You have violated God's word and his will and he will not be merciful
He wonders why he entered HELL .
Then he hears a voice. Why werent you TRUTHFUL ,why did you lie repeatedly,why did you do bad things in connivince with a convict . He will get his answer then.
This MF will make a big splash in the Lake of Fire if there is one. He won’t be talking to God. But, if he does, God might ask why his nickname is Ladybug. Sick fkr
Lindsey's reputation has been secure as the most closeted Senator in DC since 2003, when he replaced Strom Thurmond. Got a snug little setup as long as he keeps voting the way he's told to.
Yeah.. nice try bud. If there is a god, and if there is heaven and hell, the magnitude of your fuck up will definitely warrant a visit from the big guy to slap you upside the head. But until then, you’ll just have to live with knowing that you played a major part in RUINING THE WORLD!
Bold of him to assume he will be talking to God, I think not. He needs to figure out what to say to Satan, there is probably a special place in hell with his name on it.
If God doesn’t talk to him. He’ll bring in his second in command (Jesus). Jesus will have a “Come to Jesus” meeting with Graham. And Graham won’t like what Jesus has to say. Then Jesus will be Graham’s personal escort to: HELL! (Replace Drumpf with Graham in this).
God is not going to be talking to you Miss Lindsey and you have to deal with the Ghost of John McCain and he's got the flyswatter waiting for you to give you a righteous smack across that drunken kisser of yours, so please go back and keep cowering from your master Donnie.
These guys really think they will be welcomed into their heaven. I think they really don’t believe. They pretend christian cuz it works. Proud faux christian “not afraid to burn in hell.”
Then he hears a voice. Why werent you TRUTHFUL ,why did you lie repeatedly,why did you do bad things in connivince with a convict . He will get his answer then.
Lyndsay Graham, before you pass away, you should inform the mortuary not to dress you in wool suit.
Consider wearing shorts and a T shirt, you are headed where it is very very very HOT.🤬
Lindsey's reputation has been secure as the most closeted Senator in DC since 2003, when he replaced Strom Thurmond. Got a snug little setup as long as he keeps voting the way he's told to.
Satan will be asking all the questions.
The LORD: Naaahh, fuck that guy!
Why doesn't he come out of the closet? He would be so much happier. ~
Lindsay strikes me as a pray it away later kind of guy.
You in your cycle of Hell to
Torment you for eternity!