Fun and terrible to watch all at the same time.... he systematically beefed up and took down a company in no time flat and doesn't seem to care at all. What does he think is coming down the road for him?? Doesn't look like help lol
I'm glad someone else is talking about #TMobile using Starlink. Metro PCS says they don't, even though they're using T-Mobile's network. Or is Metro lying?
Serious question for all Tesla owners: Why has nobody launched a class action suit against Musk for tanking the value of these vehicles and making them difficult to insure? It's pretty easy to prove his actions have wrecked the value of these cars #TeslaTakedown
What’s worse is earnings season hasn’t started yet. So the calamity is yet to be recorded publicly.
I’d call this run up in Tesla (pump & dump)!
So investors are trading at these levels based on a RoboTaxi hope & a whim?
What happened to trading based on fundamentals? Or has that been forgotten on Tesla?