GOP's Save Act would require a birth certificate that matches the person registering to vote. However, 69M married women have changed their legal name, so it will not match their birth certificate. That tracks with the GOP's goal of stripping women of their right to vote…
What about men?
What about men?
I would hope the BC you received when adopted will be considered valid. JFC ~ it’s just another way to fuck with women IMO 💀
It targets women. Our sisters💔
Its purpose is to stop them from voting which is fucking bullshit.
What about men?
Actual photo of him in college at a party playing Beer Bong 🍻
He has always looked like a creep to me.
It must be something pretty disgusting.
Being that they are all Deplorables. For real.😏
Talk about over compensating and exacting revenge on humanity for their miserable childhood and shit self esteem...
He’s willing to do whatever it takes and has the backing of Thiel and Yarvin.
It’s an economic decision.
We can’t afford families any longer.
I have shared articles my good friend has shared with me ~ she did earlier.
I’m getting notifications daily on all Congressional bills that pertain to women’s rights. HR22 SAVE Act is on my hot list. It will harm millions of women! It directly affects the 19A, if passed. What might have been easy to explain before will be erased in that bill.
When I think of women’s rights, I think of you 🇺🇸
These MFs aren’t hiding their end goals & who they are targeting.
I completely agree with you 🇺🇸
I wonder if he has permanent tattoo liner???
We know exactly who they are targeting 💔
That will tell you who they are...
Believe me, my name sure as shit won’t stop me from voting.
He served in the Marine Corps under James David Hamel. Not a lot of people know that.
But nothing surprises me anymore
You know L ~
I agree with you and have often shared the articles you so kindly shared with me 💛
Quick question: you think he can actually get a hard on?
Our crusade to teach the masses about dark enlightenment marches on!
The article, along with extra links, is in this Bluesky thread. Tap above the 'article pic' and scroll ⏬