that malevolent nitwit spent January 6, 2021 defending his moronic contention that the outcome to fear was *Democrats* being unwilling to concede defeat.
then there's the time the Dumbest Fucking Guy defended the Electoral College (created by white men -- half of them slavers -- who refused to allow women and people of color to participate in the decision-making process) as a "product of the democratic process"
The Dumbest Fucking Guy™ argues it is pointless to criticize Donald Trump because there's no originality in it. Meanwhile, do the examples in his "why I criticize Democrats more" column seem like particularly "original" ideas to you? (If they were original they probably wouldn't have links!)
Truly bizarre mix of ideological commitments there, making me suspect that if Democrats embraced folks like Elizabeth Bruenig, he's complain they were betraying their pro-life commitments.
There's plenty of reason to pile on when Trump does something awful. It's taken thousands of repetitions for the Right to make lies sound like truths. It will also take thousands of repetitions to make truths sound like turns.
imagine having 151,000 followers on Twitter and somehow only getting 10 retweets for a column shitting on Democrats. how crappy a writer do you have to be to pull that off?
Wow! I had no idea he’d written something so bizarrely disconnected from reality. (I can’t say I’d ever followed hi stuff. I’m certainly not about to start, after this introduction.)
It doesn't matter since speech is censored anyway. They can't oppose him or the trump administration. What good is having a platform when you can't speak out against the very person that owns it!?
His opinion isn't relevant
Like columnists at Bezos's Washington Post who can't seem to see what's happening RIGHT in front of them.
(naturally, Jeff Bezos's Washington Post hired him.)
No need to dig any deeper.
(bonus: one of the 10 retweets is his own.)
If only the media would eliminate DEI for conservatives.