a) Realize that my thoughts about the situation may do more harm than the situation itself.
b) Relive my best times as if it was happening right now. And making it a daily habit for a few minutes. That helped with years of unnecessary melancholy/nostalgia and grief.
c)look forward to my goals
For me I had to be honest about myself to myself. I had to find out what those gross feelings of self loathing were. Very uncomfortable but after a long time I was able to accept things about my past and actually take note of how to move forward.
I looked at all my problems. Decided what was in my control.
Picked the smallest ones first working my way up.
Opened up about them to people I trusted.
Worked though them with their help.
Don't go it alone.
Whenever my mind wanders I break down words.
C - Cake. Cakes are fluffy. My fav toppings are whipped topping and fruits. The fruit sweetens the whipped topping and it tastes really good.
..and you'd repeat that for every single letter in the word you picked, constructing it in your mind. --
Otherwise: self care, music, reading, creativity, productivity. Keep the mind active, even if it's just doing an online 1k piece puzzle and belting out songs.
Overthinking is your worst enemy. Spark joy within yourself and slowly process the dark. You'll find the light there and pull yourself out ♡
Step 2. I found a support community where I was able to vent even it was mostly repeating myself for days.
Step 3. I got a dog. For emotional stability
Also, favourite games and food 😎
b) Relive my best times as if it was happening right now. And making it a daily habit for a few minutes. That helped with years of unnecessary melancholy/nostalgia and grief.
c)look forward to my goals
and traveling!!
Picked the smallest ones first working my way up.
Opened up about them to people I trusted.
Worked though them with their help.
Don't go it alone.
I quit my job and started new studies in development at 26yo
It’s been almost 3 years and this was the most sensed move I’ve done
The book “the alchemist” by Paolo Coelho give me the push that I needed
Your heart always knows what you want 😌 🫰
C - Cake. Cakes are fluffy. My fav toppings are whipped topping and fruits. The fruit sweetens the whipped topping and it tastes really good.
..and you'd repeat that for every single letter in the word you picked, constructing it in your mind. --
Overthinking is your worst enemy. Spark joy within yourself and slowly process the dark. You'll find the light there and pull yourself out ♡