Agitprop is dying from an ongoing shortage of talents willing to do what is now considered the dirty work - getting the uninvolved involved, letting them see what all the stuff they thought was academical has to do with their lives.
Meanwhile, the alt-right doesn't shirk agitation and propaganda.
Meanwhile, the alt-right doesn't shirk agitation and propaganda.
Aaron Sorkin taught a generation of liberals that politics is just Speech and Debate where a well stated argument with citations means you win. The upshot being that so many lib/left people disdain having to actually *sell* their ideology. You either agree (smart) or don't (dumb and/or bigoted).
because you're not talking to a nation of academics, but to a nation the political education of which was done by Fox News!
It's not a facts and logics issue, it's a target group issue!
Make yourself understood!